Civic Engagement
What is the Census?
“The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories” (US Census Bureau, 2020)
Mandated by the Constitution, conducted by U.S. Census Bureau
Why does it matter?
“The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support” (US Census Bureau, 2020)
The census determines how funds will be directed across the country
The census also determines the number of seats that each state has in the US House of Representatives, and determines how legislative districts are drawn
When is the next Census?
April 1st 2030 is the first day of the next US census
You can find the results of the 2020 US census here
Voter Registration
Who can vote?
There are several requirements that must be met in order to register to vote in the US. You must:
Be a US Citizen
Meet residency requirements (If homeless, there are still options)
Be at least 18 years of age
Some conditions disqualify you from voting
How can I register to vote?
In person (Many locations across the state)
Note: The deadline to register in Ohio is 30 days before an election
Absentee Voting
What is absentee voting?
Absentee voting allows you to vote by mail
In Ohio, all voters are eligible to absentee vote
How do I do it?
Mail (or return in person) the application to your county board of elections. Here is a list of all the boards of elections in Ohio.
Wait to receive a ballot back
Complete your ballot and mail (or return in person) it to your county board of elections
When do I do it?
The deadline to request a ballot in Ohio is 3 days before an election
If ballot is mailed, it must be “postmarked by the day before the election in order to be counted” (Ohio Secretary of State, 2021)
Early Voting
What is it?
Early voting is a way to vote in person before the actual date of an election
How do I do it?
In Ohio, early voting begins on October 5, 2021 and continues until the day before the election.
Early voting can be done at your county board of elections (with 2 exceptions)
In Lucas County, the address for early voting is the Ohio Means Jobs Building, 1301 Monroe Street, Toledo Ohio 43604
In Summit County, the address for early voting is SCBOE Early Vote Center, 500 Grant Street, Akron Ohio 44311
In-Person Voting
What is it?
In-person voting refers to voting at a polling place on election day
How do I do it?
Election day is November 1, 2021
Polling places are open from 6:30 am-7:30 pm
Identification needed to vote
Identification is required to vote in Ohio
This is a list of acceptable and unacceptable forms of ID in Ohio
2021 Election