Asian Health Initiative
The Asian Health Initiative is a collaborative community project that seeks to improve the health of the medically under-served Asian population in central Ohio by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Our goals are to improve access to health care, assist in maintaining good health, and to promote health screenings in the Asian community.
Our services are geared toward the Asian community living in central Ohio who do not have health insurance, and are living below 250% Federal Poverty Level.
AHI Free Clinic Hours and Location
Monday evenings 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Rardin Family Practice
2231 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43201
Quarterly Hepatitis B Free Clinic
January, May, August, November
Please Contact Us to Schedule
Hepatitis B Community wide Screenings
AACS is an approved site for the Community Health Education (CHE) curriculum at The Ohio State University (OSU) College of Medicine. CHE incorporates volunteer student activities related to patient care in diverse underserved communities.
Every academic year, first year medical students (M1s) are designated into groups of 7-8 students and tasked with creating a CHE project. at an approved site such as AACS. AACS has collaborated with this group for the past five years to provide Hepatitis B community wide screenings in the local Asian and African born communities.
Contact Us
📞: 614-220-4023 ext 233
614-216-9730 (texting only)
AHI Administrative office address - 4700 Reed Road, Suite B, Columbus, OH 43220
Thank you to our funders and sponsors, who are committed to bettering the lives of Asian Americans in Central Ohio. With the help of these funders Asian Health Initiative is able to provide services and programs to communities in need.
We are grateful to The Ohio State University for their generosity. Learn more about their graduate and undergraduate programs at
We are so thankful to the Ohio Association of Free Clinics. Learn more about them at
When you fund Asian American Community Services, your generosity touches the lives of hundreds of women, families, and seniors– giving them the support and resources they need to enrich their lives.
To become a funder please contact us at